Once people started showing up, we decided to put on the He-Man & She-Ra Christmas Special, which I totally remember watching on TV with my sister when it first aired. Her recollections were a bit fuzzier, probably a result of only being 4 at the time. After Beej finally showed, we put on a segment called "Christmas in Monkeyland" off the Campy Christmas Curiosities DVD we borrowed from Graeme & Corinne. This was also a hit.
And so, with the clock running, we got started with the main event. Although I did take a bit of a bath dollars wise, I think handing out free glogg was a good idea. Only had 3 casualties (sleepers), which was good considering I'd say the movie was about 20 minutes longer than it needed to be. An hour and a half was far too long. I can't really tell you much about the film because a) I too had consumed some glogg & b) I was too focused on my role as super hostess to really pay attention for more than a few minutes at a time.
Once that the movie had finally wrapped up, it was on with the gift exchange which worked very well as only a couple people were left out (Kat, Corinne & I had all brought extra presents just in case). Highlights included the return of the beefcake calendar, a lime green fanny-pack & a six-pack of Heineken (I don't think River really got the whole "little or no value" thing). However, because Blim can usually count on beverage sales to make up their end and a) we were giving away free booze and b) people don't generally mill around to get drinks at a film screening, we have to change the door arrangement. I didn't really mind since I was just happy to have somewhere a bit larger to host our party (we got up to 30+ people!!), and we had free access to equipment we normally would have had to rent. But I'm not going to get rich doing this any time soon. I'm sure I would have made more if I'd charged for the glogg, but it really it was a Christmas party, and if I'd hosted it at home like the previous two years, I would have spent the same amount on booze & food. As for future screenings, it's a little up in the air now, but we should know more by January.
After we got all packed up it was back to the Den for the official after-party, which consisted of homemade Gingerbread cake (note for next year: would have been better with rum sauce...), the Pee-wee's Playhouse Christmas Special, which I also remember watching with my sister when it originally aired; and of course, the traditional midnight viewing of my favourite holiday film (I'm dead serious), Badder Santa. Sadly, because Beej was quite ill at this point he had to retire early, but everyone still awake had a great time.
Thanks for everyone for all their support in putting this together and we'll hopefully see you in the New Year.

The rest of the pix are available on Flickr.
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