That's right, now even you, John Q Public, can attend a Den of Sin night (if you live in the Vancouver area). Our first "event" will be the 3rd Annual Xmassacre, our annual Christmas party, to the hosted at the Blim Arts Society (17th & Main) on Dec 16th (Friday)!!! Mark your calendars in gaudy red ink!!! Admission will be by donation ($5 suggested) to cover operating costs & doors will be at 7pm (show @ 8pm). On top of our feature presentation, we hope to bring you Glogg, trailers & we will be doing a "Crappy Santa Gift Exchange", so bring a wrapped present of little or no value to put into the pot.

Our feature presentation (baring any customs snafus) will be "Santa Claus", a Mexican children's movie from the early 60's that features (among other things), Santa Claus fighting Satan. Fantastical sets, bizarre Catholic overtones & a fixation on voyeurism highlight this highly entertaining piece of cinema obscura.
Needless to say, I'm excited as hell, but also very scared & stressed. If this is successful, it will be the beginning of a regular monthly event at Blim, tentatively titled: D.o.S. Presents: Cinema Detritus. Future programs to be determined, but I will be accepting shorts submissions of a bizarre and/or exploitive nature (tell your filmmaking friends). Also, if you have mad skills as a graphic designer, web designer and/or host we could probably use your help.
Well, I guess that's all for now. I have to go finish my happy dance.
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