Thursday, December 30, 2004

Movies I Watched Instead of Writing: Part 2

Looney Tunes Back in Action [2003] -- Joe Dante rules. I'm not that big a fan of Bugs and company in general, but Beej picked up both sets and they've been getting a fair deal of action around here. Filled with lots of references, particularly to old sci-fi movies and even a giggle worthy Gremlins joke. Way more fun than I expected and satisfyingly clever. Smarter than your average kids movie.

Garden State [2004] -- I know a lot of people are very divided on this movie and I really didn't expect to like it that much. I thought I would like it initially, but then it seemed a little overly clever and cute for cuteness sake which had been one of the major complaints I had heard. However, some amazing performances (Peter Sarsgaard should be a HUGE star) and a sense of whimsy that is sadly missing from films these days combined to create a very affecting movie. Until the end, but I was able to forgive Zach Braff 'cause he made me cry.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou [2004] -- Again, a lot of people are divided on this movie but I love everything Wes Anderson does and I really enjoyed this movie. People who complain that it was too cute just don't like his movies because I found this one considerably less auspicious than his previous movies. A fun, strange adventure about fathers and sons. Also, the Portuguese covers of David Bowie songs are really cool.

Albino Alligator [1996] -- Other than a few good performances (William Fitchner and Gary Sinise in particular) this was a totally stale, forgetable caper flick. Only watched it because we were stuck in Chilliwack and I didn't really feel like watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding again. That and Beej wanted to see if Spacey could direct before deriding Beyond the Sea. Let the derision begin.

Attack the Gas Station [1999] -- I'm afraid I'm going to have to rewatch this one because I didn't really realize it was a comedy. I mean, I know it was funny, I'm just not sure I "got" it. It couldn't have helped that I was really tired and possibly a little drunk. Korean pop stars have the best hair.

Ocean's Twelve [2004] -- Hip, clever and surprisingly fun. The kind of movie that seems to revel in its lack of plot. As close as Soderberg's ever come to making a Richard Lester movie.


christian said...

portuguese! damn, that was driving me nuts. knew it wasn't spanish, didn't sound french...

did you watch the making of featurette on the garden state dvd? made me love the movie even more... and dammit, I LIKED the ending...

Irrational said...

YOu only liked the ending cuz you are totally gay for movies that end like that. I've seen your DVD collection...

Meeko said...

I just think they could have afforded to drag it out a little bit more to make it marginally more believable. Obviously they should still get together, but I think it would have made a little more sense if he had managed to get home first, tried to call her, realized it was bullshit and then come back. I know it amounts to the same thing, but taking a little more time with it would have helped sell it, for me anyway.

christian said...

everyone at some point or another wishes they could throw caution to the wind and follow a hunch like that. most of us simply don't have that kind of freedom.

it's more believable coming from a character like largeman... he no longer has a job in LA. his apartment was sparsely furnished. he really had nothing to go back for. why not stay? 'sides, you're supposed to believe that sam and large are destined to be together and all that crap. it's not like he made a rash decision for a booty call...

Corinne said...

Plus, he hated airplanes. It's quite possible the thought of at least two more flights to go back to a city he had dick all going on in... I didn't think it was unrealistic, just another blip in the sequences of scenes.