Sunday, February 03, 2008

A Few More Observations About My Job

So, it's been 4 weeks since I started working in the gaming industry and I have to say I am really enjoying it so far. Despite having the flexibility to choose my start time, most of my team is in the office by 8:30 - 9:00 A.M., so that's usually when I try to get there as well. However, not having a fixed start time means that if it happens to take me an extra 3 minutes to do my hair and 5 minutes to eat my breakfast it's not the end of the world. By not having to rush around like a mad-woman stuffing burnt toast into my face while I power-walk to work I find I arrive at my job focused and ready to work and my body is not taxed by unnecessary stress. I am happier and healthier. Not having to worry about ironing my clothes also helps.

In fact, there are many initiatives at my work that seem designed specifically to make sure the nerds are healthy and happy:

1) There is a social committee. They organize all sorts of things like ski-trips and hiking outings, making sure the nerds are socially and physically active.
2) We have our own cafeteria where hearty soups and sandwiches can be purchased at very reasonable prices (under $5 for soup & sandwich with crudites).
3) The cafeteria also has big baskets of fruit (apples & oranges mostly) which are free for the taking.
4) A one hour lunch is both strongly encouraged and loosely enforced. Apparently they didn't used to and people were burning out.
5) They are actively working on getting us a discount at the gym that just opened in our building.

I am enjoying the novelty of the being "the new girl". I'm sure the fact that I wash my hair only adds to this (seriously people, get out more!) I'm still amused by the guy who tried to "cruise" me while I was eating lunch by myself. He was very charming and not creepy about it and seemed to be more due to the facts that a) I am surrounded by French people & b) most of these French people are nerds. It was more flattering than anything, but my insistence on replying only in broken French must have been a turn-off because he hasn't bothered me since.

Also, there is a guy who wears red elf booties. Every day.

1 comment:

Theron said...

Sounds awesome!