Monday, January 31, 2005

Xtra Special D.o.S. Screening This Wednesday

Hey folks,

Sorry for the late notice, but I just found out about this myself. This Wednesday (Feb 2/05) at 7:30pm there will be a very special screening at the Den of Sin of "Om Gottes Willen", Nina Hagen's documentary about her spiritual travels through India. There will likely be chanting before or after the screening as well and a special surprise guest (but if you ask really nice I might tell you). Please RSVP so that I know someone is coming. If you can make it I highly recommend it. This will be a night to remember.



christian said...

what of this weekend DoS I've heard tell of?

Shockah Karl said...

So how was it? Or do I have to wait for when it hits the presses over at FilmThreat?

christian said...

and who was the surprise guest?

Meeko said...

Nina Hagen sat on our couch and watched her hippie movie with us. Very strange.