Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Just in Time for... I Don't Know

D.o.S. #22.


christian said...

linky no worky.

Owen said...

Remove the butchered "p://" at the end of the link.

christian said...

when I move north, I will forcefully take the title of "favourite sarcastic bastard" from that nancy-boy...

I will bribe with alcohol if necessary.

Meeko said...

all better. sorry about that, i usually make a point of checking my code.

xian: word to the wise. if and when you do get your butt up here i suggest sitting out the first couple d.o.s nights are far as commenting is concerned. there is an established groove and it is best to find your own place in it than by trying to steal someone else's. otherwise you will be mocked mercilessly behind your back. like other people who will remain nameless (although i'm sure you can guess who they are).

christian said...

pfft, people already mock me mercilessly behind my back. and in front of my back.

but really, duh.

Irrational said...

I'm sorry for ruining movie nights.

christian said...

can I steal grae's groove?

then bj can make a short, "how g-money got his groove back"... it could be gay porn. with affleck. or at least scott peterson.