Thursday, July 29, 2004

Wherein I Apologize for My Absence...

and then promptly get on to other business. For those interested the rest of the trip went well. I never did get my photo with Udo, but hey there's always next time. Unfortunately I don't have photo abilities on the ol' bloggy currently (I'm hoping to work this out soon) so I can't show you what photos we did manage to take (which admittedly isn't much anyway). At some point I do plan on doing a more comprehensive recap, but right now I'm just wasting time at work.

First order of business: Who Knew Working With Russ Meyer Would Make You Crazy?!
For reasons I can't really explain with much clarity, last night the Boy and I watched "The Double D Avenger" with the Joe Bob Briggs commentary. It should be noted that this is the only way this film can or should be watched, if it should be watched at all. As the Boy is a big Russ Meyer fan he had been keen on this film, until he actually watched it. Joe Bob does a pretty good job of being entertaining when the film isn't (which is most of the time) and includes a hilarious interlude where to save us from 5 whole minutes of exposition Joe Bob simply recites breast euphemisms. For 5 whole minutes. It's at about 2 minutes in when you realize that he means to take up the whole 5 minutes with this juvenile tactic that the pure comic genius starts to shine through. However, the Boy and I agree whole heartedly that the most entertaining part of the whole exercise were the excerpts from the websites of Haji ("Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!", "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" etc) and Raven De La Croix ("Up!"). I highly, highly recommend them if you need a good laugh sometime, or if you just like looking at old chicks with big tits. Either way, very entertaining.

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