Friday, July 09, 2004

We have been banished...

...but we shall return.

Since the hostel is all booked up because of the Jazz Festival we will be spending tonight and tomorrow with Andrea's friend Julia in Outremont who has kindly offered to put us up. Currently having some difficulty because the very nice woman who runs the hostel isn't here and we're not sure where to leave our keys or who to pay.

Spent yesterday walking down St. Catherine's to Concordia. Were going to take the Metro all the way, but our connecting train was delayed and I couldn't understand anyting on the extra scratchy P.A. so I said screw it and off we went. Only ended up with one new blister (after our first day in New York I had 4 on each foot, eeeewwwww). Managed to meet up with Jeremy after another pricey but quality meal downtown and then settled into festival mode. Met Mitch the festival director who informed me that Kier-La would be arriving in the next couple days. Will be nice to see a familar face even if it's not someone we know terribly well. Watch two movies and a short doco about a female horror director. Really enjoyed the first film, "Wonderful Days" eventhough I didn't expect to. Boy was more lukewarm. Will try to write a review (my first this trip) later today. Also caught "Ju-On: The Grudge" again. Improved subtitles helped with some of the details missed on the DVD we watched. Audience seemed to mirror our initial reaction of laughing first, then as things picked up there was a girl behind us chanting "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit". Though about crashing the after party, but being that we're still not sure when the Metro closes decided to just call it a night.

1 comment:

christian said...

ju-on is going to scare the pants off me, isn't it?

I'm beginning to suspect miyuki may have a strategy in dragging me to scary movies...