Friday: After running some errands in Mile End, met up with a friend for dinner on the Plateau. Sadly I don't remember the name of the restaurant (damn aportez votre vin), but it was good, decently priced Italian at the corner of Duluth & St-Laurent. Afterward we stopped at Crèmerie Meu-Meu, an artisanal ice cream place that also does sorbettos and Soy Ice Cream! Can you imagine my joy? While my favourite so far is the fresh green tea sorbetto, I have to say the cinnamon soy ice cream I tried was quite something as well. Went home and listened to music, then called it a night around 12:30 AM because I am old.
Saturday: Feeling quite drained and fuzzy from the hectic week I slept in very late and generally bummed around. Did manage to get out of the house to do my weekly bagel run, but didn't end up doing much aside from that. Thought about going to Place des Arts for Cinema Under the Stars, the outdoor screening series that's part of the Montreal World Film Festival that kicked off on Thursday, but eventually decided I was too tired. Caught up a bit on season 3 of Weeds, called a few people in Vancouver, listened to lots of new music, cuddled with my much neglected cat...
Sunday: Another pretty mellow day. Managed to do some yoga, laundry and a quick grocery trip. Met up with a contact from Fantasia to discuss my possible involvement with her company. I won't say much about it as I'm afraid of jinxing things, but so far it sounds like a great opportunity and definitely more the direction I'd like to take my "career". Right now my duties would consist mostly of writing grant proposals, but it sounds like she also wants to move me into programming, which is just too exciting to contemplate. Then we drank beer and ate dried squid as is the custom in Korean. Got home and called some more people out West, then called it a night.
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