Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ch-Ch-Changes: Part Deux

While this blog seems to be read fairly exclusively by people I already know, and I don't generally like talking too much about my personal life on the internets, I figured it was about time to address the recent change to my relationship status. I'm not even sure I have that much to say about it, but in some ways I guess it is the final step in my "Total Life Makeover" of the last year or so.

New city. New job. New relationship status.

And while I am sad that things with L didn't work out, I am also excited about the future in a way I haven't been in a while. I am listening to music and going to shows. I am getting comfortable in my own skin. I'm cooking again and I'm taking pride in my money management skills. I even decided to give up meat (although I still eat fish), but I don't know if this will be a permanent change or just a phase. I've also stopped using my prescription cortisone cream for my eczema, which despite doctors warnings about thinning my skin, I've been using nearly every day for close to 10 years.

I'm taking care of myself, both in the "get enough sleep and eat enough vegetables" way and the "taking out the garbage, taking the metro at night" sense. It was hard to admit that I was happier by myself, but that's the way I feel right now. And although I'm alone, I have yet to feel lonely. I guess that's part of growing up.

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