However, my favourite recent discovery (courtesy of my good friend Louie, who is awesome), is Teen Homicide, a series created by a couple of his friends for Channel 102, the East Coast cousin of the also very excellent Channel 101. For those not familiar (okay, fine, again it's just me, but fuck you I'm gonna explain it anyways), Channels 101 & 102 work thusly: Every month, filmmakers submit a 5 minute pilot. These pilots are voted on at a live screening, with the winners returning the next month with another 5 minute episode. Losers are either considered "Failed Pilots" or "Cancelled". I think it's a great concept, and it really seems to have taken off. In fact, Channel 101 seems to have become such an empire that many of their more popular shows are all self-referential. A little frustrating for the uninitiated, but watching these communities being built is still kind of inspiring. And for the record, my favourite Channel 101 show right now is Yacht Rock. Do yourself a favour and watch all 5 episodes right now.
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