Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Movies I Watched Instead of Writing: Part 7

Dawn of the Dead [1978]: I should probably be embarrassed about this one. About 10 minutes in I was able to declare that I loved the movie. My husband was happy because that meant he didn't have to divorce me. What can I say that hasn't already been said? A true classic. Manages to be a product of its time, yet still feels relevant all these years later.

Return of the Living Dead [1985]: Dan O'Bannon seems like a lovely man. I kind of want to start going to sci-fi conventions to increase my chances of seeing him in person. Very silly, camp "reimagining" of the Romero classic. So '80's it hurts. Notable for a naked Linnea Quigley (for almost the entire time she is on screen) & some good E.C. inspired designs.

War of the Worlds [2005]: I like Spielberg. So sue me. And I stand by the happy ending. Lays it on a little thick, but it could have been A LOT worse.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith [2005]: Saw this with my mom. Great "popcorn movie." Pretty people, lots of 'splosions. Doug Liman may not be loved by actors, but he seems to know what he's doing.

Bad News Bears [1976]: Rented this in anticipation of the remake. I think it's one of my favourite sports movies ever. Walter Mathau rules. Still manages to shock.

Bad News Bears [2005]: Best part of the movie was the 8 years old kid beside me. Felt bad whenever I laughed at something dirty because he'd start laughing too, but it was the kind of laugh that told me he had no idea why he was laughing. More of an "updating" than a real "remake." Stays incredibly faithful (enough to wonder why they bothered), with more sex (all pretty benign) and less violence. Quality of ball much better (obviously directed by someone who had played at a higher level) & Sammi Kraft kicks Tatum O'Neil's ass in acting and ballplaying. Billy Bob plays pretty much the same character as in "Bad Santa," only not as pathetic.

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