Thursday, June 30, 2005

Movies I Watched Instead of Writing: Part 6

Overnight [2003]: Awesome, awesome testament to one man's megalomania and subsequent crushing of all his dreams. This guy, Troy Duffy, got handed $1 million and a bar to write and direct "Boondock Saints", which he did chiefly as a vehicle for his wankstastic band "The Brood"; then proceeded to act like such an ass to everyone around him that Harvey Weinstein allegedly had him blacklisted. Should be an excellent cautionary tale, except that apparently he's back to make the sequel (!) (not covered in the documentary). Would make a great double bill with "Dig !" except that the audience would probably die of stress.

Night of the Living Dead [1968]: Yeah, okay, fine. This really is the first time I'd ever seen the original. Pretty much what I expected: awesome suspense makes up for meager budget and a genre is invented. Would like to see a non-restored print just to get that "seedy" feeling though...

Nomi Song [2004]: Sadly the DVD we were watching could not make nice with our DVD player and as a result we only got about half way through. Interesting portrait of a true pioneer. Offers some nice background on life in The Village in the '70's, kinda makes me wish I'd managed to move somewhere cool right out of college and fallen in with some fledgling scene. A lot of the interviews are left kinda long and the result is a little dryer than I expected. However, now seems like the perfect time to re-evaluate Nomi in the wake of the current avant-guard pop resurgence.

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