Thursday, May 12, 2005

Movies I Watched Instead of Writing: Part 4

Blade Trinity [2004] -- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Best comedy of 2004! I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Beej & I were both in tears. Within 1 minute I was able to proclaim, "This movie is ass." After about 5 minutes I declared that Ryan Reynolds had better be shirtless the whole movie for this to be worth it. Beej declared that Ryan Reynolds had better suck his own cock on screen for this movie to be worth it. Sadly neither of those things happened, but Mr. Reynolds was pretty ab-tastic none the less. My favourite part was when it turned into an i-pod commercial. Twice. David S. Goyer is probably one of the most incompetant directors I have ever seen. It makes "The Punisher" look good. I wasn't really the biggest fan of the first two, but I will watch this again. Preferably with (lots of) booze and popcorn to throw at the screen everytime Parker Posey tries to chew scenery. A new classic of T.A. cinema.

DiG! [2004] -- Awesome, inspiring & fascinating documentary that follows two bands: The Dandy Warhols & The Brian Jonestown Massacre on their quests to make it big in the world of rock. Director Ondi Timoner followed them around for 7 years and the footage she got is revealing & frightening. Unlike any music documentary you've seen.


Shockah Karl said...

Saw both films as well.

Really loved "Dig!"

As for "Blade: Revolutions . . . err . . . Trinity", I was confused about Ryan Reynold's character. I don't Hannibal King being like that in the comics. But then again, I only read him in that whole "Midnight Sons" crossover arc. However, I kept waiting for Ryan Reynolds to freak out because he ran out of web-fluid or for him to whip out his katana (I so did not mean to make that sound like a euphemism) ala Deadpool.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, "Dig" rocked in so many different ways! Being a musician, I can vouch for the authentic feel of the film. This is one of the few movies that actually catches the feeling and experience of playing in a working band. The situations, the characters, the environment - all right on the nose (or "up the nose," as the case may be).