Saturday, October 09, 2004

Wait a Minute...

So, it's Saturday so I'm doing some chores, and when I do chores on Saturday I like to listen to music. Being bored with my iTunes selections (and still trying to find an efficient way to avoid the three billion Frank Black songs the boy downloaded when I hit "shuffle") I decided to try out some internet radio. I like internet radio. I like that there are no commercials, and especially I like that there usually aren't any inane DJs babbling about how funny they are. I also like that you can listen to stations from all over the world, with all kinds of interesting and unusual programming. One of my current faves is The Green Lounge. They play a great mix of old crooners, movie hits from the golden age of Hollywood (who else plays Mario Lanza on the radio!?) and contemporary lounge. But today I decided to be a little nostalgic and try out an "alternative" station. One that plays all the music I used to listen to in high school. Guess what, it's still boring. So I decided to try this Dutch station called Zeilsteen Radio, naively thinking that it would all be pop-y fun Euro-alternative. And what are they playing?

Tom Fucking Cochran.



christian said...

playlists, baby. playlists.

drag your entire music library into a new playlist. select and remove all of the black francis songs. press shuffle. voila.

Meeko said...

That takes work man. Haven't you noticed I'm lazy. That I'm sick of the playlists I have created. I'm trying not to burn out on my music.

christian said...

guess I'm fortunate in that I have enough music that I can shift from genre to genre easily and not get tired of anything. but in my defense, you didn't specify that... and the playlist idea would solve your black francis infestation...

'sides, it takes like twenty seconds... how is that too much work?

Irrational said...

What's wrong with Frank Black?

Meeko said...

nothing. there's just a lot of it. and all of his film scores...

christian said...

well, he is a bit on the portly side. you know, if we're gonna make a list...

christian said...

how could you not notice? the guy's a fatass...

Meeko said...

i think bj thought you were refering to him, since i was actually refering to his film scores, not mr. black's. my fault for the pronoun confusion.