-- I touched Peter Hook. I also sang "Bizarre Love Triangle" to him, and he sang back. It was magical.
-- Alex & I drove to Seattle at 3 in the morning to attend the Emerald City ComiCon. Alex got sketches by Adam Hughes and Tony Harris. I met tonnes of cool people like Dave Crosland, John Layman, Joshua Ortega, Eric Stephenson from Image, some folks from Oni, a couple of dudes from Things from Another World, Patrick Morgan, Roman Dirge, Alberto Ruiz-Diaz, Steve Lieber, and a whole bunch more whose names I have sadly forgotten. Many of these people were nice enough to talk to me and answer some of my questions regarding getting into the biz. Thanks guys! Oh, and pix are available here.
-- My team won 3rd prize at the company bowling party.

-- I'm moving into my first solo apartment. This is scary and exciting and sad all at the same time.
-- There will be another Evil Film School.

-- I've decided to start looking for a real job. One with a dental plan, maybe.
-- I've taken up burlesque dancing. Don't tell my mom.
-- I have an internet doppelganger.
-- The Universe is fucking with me.
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