Went to the Narduwar Doot Doola Doot Doot DVD release party last Tuesday, so being that it's been a full week since I actually saw the show, I figured I'd finally post a review of it. Luckily, Chart Online beat me to it, so I'm gonna be lazy and link to their review since I don't have much to add, except that I did have to pat myself on the back for not humping Chris Murphy's leg when I was sharing Nardward stories with him (oh god, did I just out myself as a Sloan fan? I think I did). Oh, and the theremin lazer battle was beyond rad. Even though Beej was dying of a cold he nearly jizzed in his pants when he heard that ethereal hum. A little sad there weren't more people dancing, but they did it in the movie theatre at UBC, and it is Vancouver afterall.
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