Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sure I'll Join Your Cult...

But that doesn't mean I'll be your friend.

So, a couple of weeks ago Theron finally talked me into joining MySpace. I had considered joining a while ago, since apparently I know lots of people on there, but I just got kind of a skeezy hook-up vibe and chickened out. But, since a friend had invited me to join, I figured it couldn't be that bad. And for the most part I'm sure it isn't. However, other than Theron and my buddy Roman (and Bess & Katie), the only other people who've offered to add me as a friend have been sleazy DJ types with 1008 friends, most of them women in halter tops. Which I'm sure is fine for them, but I have no idea how I fit into that scene.

So, if you're my friend and you're on MySpace, please add me as your friend so I don't have to be friends with sleazy DJs.

My Profile

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