Tuesday, October 04, 2005

New This Week a.k.a. filmgurl's Xmas Wish List

Okay, so my brilliant plan of working from home to give more time to my other pursuits (i.e. blogging) hasn't really worked out the way that I had planned. There are a variety of factors that have lead to this problem: not having consistent net access on the laptop, my lack of a proper routine, and my lack of time to surf aimlessly to find things to blog about.

So, how do I fix this?

Well, while I'm working on this whole routine thing, I've decided to start a few little weekly features to help me organize my blog entries. I'm hoping this will allow me to build up a reserve of post subjects that I just plug into a certain day so that I can update things more regularly. So, instead of 4 entries on one day and no entries for a couple of weeks, I'll have a fairly consistent 5 posts a week.

And I'm adding pictures.

Since new DVDs are always released on Tuesday, Tuesday's feature will deal with new releases I think are interesting or personally will be buying, as well as information on new distributors, labels & web retailers.

This week's pick:

I've been waiting for this one for almost a year. Featured in D.o.S. #5, producer Val Lewton's horror pics for RKO still stand up as spooky, well constructed films that chill viewers & make their meager budgets really work for them. Influential, beautifully shot & excellently paced, if you have any interest in genre film at all you should definitely check these out.

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