(I feel like I should post a warning about spoilers, but frankly if you haven't seen it already you probably don't care enough to let spoilers bother you. That and it would be very hard to ruin this movie more than Mr. Ratner already has.)
So, even though everyone I know and their monkey had already seen it and told me how bad it was, I knew I still had to see
X-Men 3 for myself. Was it as bad as I'd feared. Yes. Was it so bad it was good? Not quite. Mostly it felt rushed, marked by a myriad of missed opportunities ("Hey, let's introduce Dark Pheonix and then have her stand around for most of the movie,") and gaping plot holes, ("So, did Pyro escape or what?") While it probably made enough money to warrant another sequel, let's hope they actually get someone who cares about crafting dramatic tension as opposed to just cramming in so many mutants you end up not giving a shit about anyone.
Pointing out in any further detail why X3 pales in comparison to the first two films seems redundant at this point. So, instead I leave you with a link to Mr. Ratner's
personal website. Be sure to check out his music video work. Especially if you like close-ups of asses and tits. Shiny, slow motion asses and tits.